Dismantled an abusive beach establishment by the men of the coast guard of Castel Volturno and the municipal police officers of Castellana. This is the result of a joint operation by the coast guard and the local police of Castel Volturno who this morning provided for the evacuation of an area of ​​about 1500 square meters equipped as a beach establishment located on the foce Patria beach. Approximately 100 equipment such as umbrellas and sunbeds were seized.

The military of the local maritime office and the municipal police officers of Castellana, assisted by the personnel of the public works service of the municipality of Castel Volturno with the help of municipal vehicles, proceeded to clear the illegally occupied area. All the material found was seized. At the moment, the perpetrators of the abuse are unknown.

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Articolo successivoIl caso della garante dei detenuti di Caserta: favori illegali e indagini in corso


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