EBOLI – “I was taken by the hair, those hair that I don’t have…”. Vincenzo Caserta, a 50-year-old man from Salerno, is in a good mood again after risking a cardiac arrest and being saved thanks to the foresight of the doctors in the Cardiology department at the hospital in Eboli.

“On Saturday morning, I went to the hospital for a check-up in the Cardiology department – Caserta recounts – Nothing special, I thought it was routine and that I would be back home for lunch. But that shortness of breath seemed strange to the doctors and they immediately suspected something.”

The patient continues his story, getting emotional to the point of a lump in his throat: “In a few minutes, I found myself on a stretcher to undergo a coronary angiography that confirmed the suspicions of the cardiologists: I had a widespread atheromatosis in the proximal segment and a calcified stenosis in the middle segment of the left coronary artery near the bifurcation, with a small-caliber diagonal branch. In practice, the situation was critical and I was at risk of cardiac arrest in just a few minutes.”


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