Sorrento, 42-year-old found in possession of drugs: arrested

On Monday morning, the officers of the Sorrento Police Station, as part of prearranged services, carried out a control in Punta Capo alley at a building used by a man who was arrested shortly after for being found in possession of drugs for the purpose of drug dealing.
In fact, the investigative intuition of the officers was confirmed as, upon arriving at the man’s home, once inside, they found, well hidden, 3 glass jars containing approximately 70 grams of marijuana and 5 bags containing cannabis indica seeds.
Furthermore, in an adjacent room to the house, they found two insulated cabins, 4 LED lamps, 1 thermostat, 2 thermometers, 2 fans, 1 timer for electrical profiles, and 2 smoke extractors, all used by the man for the production of the narcotic substance. Therefore, the 42-year-old was arrested for production and possession for the purpose of trafficking narcotics.

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