Brutal beating against a support teacher at the Vallauri Professional Institute in Carpi (Modena).
The teacher Vincenzo Giordano, 27 years old, originally from Salerno, where he graduated in the surveyor’s field from the Galileo Galilei Institute, was attacked at school in recent days – as reported by the website – by a baby gang.
He ended up in the emergency room, where they diagnosed a broken nasal septum with a prognosis of thirty days.
Giordano had intervened to try to prevent the beating of a student by about ten boys between the ages of 15 and 17 who had entered the schoolyard during recess through a hole in the hedge. The attackers came from other schools in Carpi but also from the Reggio area.
The teacher was hit in the face. “I’m still in shock, I’ve never seen so much anger in my life,” he commented. “I’ve seen humanity’s decline.”
The carabinieri and local police are investigating, and thanks to surveillance cameras, they have already identified the members of the gang, who are responsible for other punitive expeditions like these.

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