Borrelli: “From these things starts the criminal escalation of these kids”

At Corso Vittorio Emanuele, a baby-gang sets off firecrackers under passing cars and runs away. Borrelli: “From these things starts the criminal escalation of these kids. We need severity and re-education before it’s too late.”

Naples. New Year’s Eve has passed, but in Naples, the firecrackers continue. The baby-gangs don’t use them to celebrate, but rather to cause damage. On Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, some kids, caught on the cell phones of some residents who sent the images to the deputy of the Green-Left alliance, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, set off firecrackers on the road as cars passed by.

The protagonists of this small ambush acted like a real gang of young criminals. Once the car passing by was hit, they fled with their faces covered by hats and masks.

“Some may say, ‘They are just kids, they are only shooting firecrackers,'” Borrelli would say. By tolerating certain behaviors and turning a blind eye, we have allowed these gangs to take control of the city and dictate the law. Today, they set off small firecrackers, endangering drivers. One day, they will set off pipe bombs in front of shops, and who knows what they will do as adults. Do we want to restore order and stop the criminal and illegal advance of these kids or not? Then we need severity and re-education, including intervention with their families,” commented Borrelli.

Articolo precedenteIndagine a Napoli: Ordinanza di custodia cautelare in carcere per maltrattamenti in famiglia
Articolo successivoAvellino: Urgente intervento per la sicurezza stradale nel centro storico


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