I nuovi dettagli sull’arresto del sindaco di Palma Campania

Palma Campania. “In the next 6-7 months… twenty million euros in funding will arrive, but who will manage them, you and I?”

The conversation between the mayor of Palma Campania, Aniello Donnarumma, and the entrepreneur Antonio Nunziata, included in the investigation files of the Carabinieri of Castello di Cisterna and the prosecutor’s office of Nola, is considered an important interception by the investigators. This conversation led to the house arrest of the mayor and an interdictive measure for Nunziata.

The conversation, which took place on December 20, 2021, is interpreted by the investigators as emblematic of the two interlocutors’ intention to continue managing public funds illegally. However, it is specified that the spontaneous or non-spontaneous collaboration of the municipal officials is considered fundamental. The two are in a car, and an obstacle created by some officials regarding a waste management tender infuriates the entrepreneur, who vents his frustration with the mayor.

In the end, the two agree on the need to “expand the operational platform,” interpreted as the need to influence the functions of municipal employees. Some of these employees have confirmed to the investigators the “often unsustainable” interference of the mayor, who conceives the municipal entity as a company. The judge for preliminary investigations in Nola states that the material acquired during the investigations “documents how Donnarumma has taken on a highly personalistic management of public affairs, directing the decisions… of his officials, not always in the interest of the community but rather in the interest of private individuals.”

Articolo precedenteSan Marzano sul Sarno: fermato un 21enne per maltrattamenti in famiglia
Articolo successivoPalma Campania: indagini sullo scandalo che ha scosso la città


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