Borrelli: “Episode happened under the eyes of the financial police”

Borrelli: “Instead of defending our heritage, it is left at the mercy of vandals”

Naples. Nowadays, incivility, even in the form of vandalism, has become so common that it no longer attracts attention, not even that of the institutions.

In Naples, in Piazza San Pasquale, while two boys were defacing the base of the statue dedicated to Carlo Poerio, a patrol of the Guardia di Finanza watched impassively. The absurd situation was documented by a citizen who reported the incident to the deputy of the Green-Left alliance, Francesco Emilio Borrelli.

“In San Pasquale, during a funeral in church, children were defacing the statue in the square despite the GdF being just a stone’s throw away. Absurd.”

“Instead of restoring the statue, which has had that phallic symbol for quite some time, it is allowed to complete the act of vandalism. If the goal is to bring Naples to total shame, tarnishing its history and culture, then we must say – ‘well done, you are succeeding’. We, along with many citizens, refuse to contribute to the collapse and demand greater care and attention to our heritage” – Borrelli stated.

Articolo precedenteIl processo in appello per l’omicidio di Aldo Gioia ad Avellino
Articolo successivoRiduzione di pena per Simone Isaia: Napoli applaude la decisione della Corte di Appello


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