“Violence against prison officers in the Benevento prison: urgent action needed”

In the Benevento prison, some inmates have attacked an inspector and a chief assistant of the prison police for trivial reasons. This “latest episode of violence” has been reported by the regional secretary of Asppe-Consipe, Luigi Castaldo, along with his deputy Tommaso De Lia. “In the Benevento prison,” they continue, “critical events like today’s are the result of the state of neglect in which the institution finds itself: there is a lack of staff, and this is perceived by the inmate population. Among the prisoners, there are many who are considered responsible for serious crimes, but they are not transferred to facilities outside the region. Many others have psychiatric problems, and there are also many non-EU inmates who have no qualms about attacking the prison officer on duty.”

According to the general secretary of Asppe, Claudio Marcangeli, “there is an urgent need for decisive government intervention with stricter laws for those who commit or instigate attacks against prison officers. At the same time, there is a need for suitable facilities with appropriate medical treatments for psychiatric inmates, while for non-EU inmates, the possibility of serving their sentence in their own country should be considered, especially for serious crimes.”

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