Violent brawl on the Trieste seafront, non-EU immigrants violently attacking a fellow countryman, a gang of people kicking and punching him while horrified passers-by flee; someone calls the police before irreparable damage is done.

These were moments of great tension and fear, especially for some elderly people who were present during the shameful brawl. This is yet another episode of violence among immigrants that occurs in that place where drugs are sold even in broad daylight.

The causes of the brutal attack are still to be ascertained, but it is not excluded that it may be related to drug trafficking. On the spot, the police are trying to identify the responsible parties who have quickly disappeared, making it difficult to track them down. Citizens are renewing the appeal for fixed patrols on the stretch of road affected by the brawl, especially in the evening hours.

This type of violence is unacceptable and must be condemned. It is necessary to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible to ensure the safety of all citizens. The authorities must take action to prevent these incidents from happening again in the future. It is essential to create a sense of security and tranquility for everyone, regardless of their origin. We must all work together to make our cities safer and more welcoming places for everyone.

Articolo precedenteArrestato a Benevento per maltrattamenti in famiglia ed estorsione: la città si mobilita
Articolo successivoIl sedere toccato: condannato a un anno di carcere un uomo di Scala


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