Insulted, beaten and threatened. For a woman of Letters, a ordeal that began after a 43-year-old man from the area had lost his mind for her.
The man would have tried everything to attract her attention, even violence.
The last sortie was last night, just a few steps from the victim’s home.
The 43-year-old, arrested by the carabinieri of the Lettere station, would have insulted and threatened the woman, also firing a shot with a firearm (fortunately blank).
The harassment had started in January but only yesterday’s call to 112 had put an end to the nightmare.
The military stopped him a few moments after the shot. They recovered the weapon without a red cap, hidden in his car and searched his home.
At home, they found 10 cannabis plants, a precision scale, and 1 and a half grams of packaged marijuana.
The 43-year-old ended up in handcuffs for stalking, reported for drug possession for the purpose of trafficking. He is now under house arrest, awaiting judgment.

Articolo precedenteLa malattia di Lyme: un pericolo nascosto a Benevento
Articolo successivoBlitz della Polizia Locale in una fabbrica di scarpe ad Aversa


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