Aversa (Caserta) – Anass Saaoud, the twenty-year-old of Moroccan origin, the confessed murderer of Giuseppe Turco, the eighteen-year-old from Villa Literno who was stabbed to death on June 29th in Casal di Principe, allegedly simulated an illness in an attempt to escape, with the help of acquaintances, during transport from prison to the hospital. – continues below –
Investigations are underway into the incident that took place on July 29th, as reported by the Osapp Mayor of the Penitentiary Police. As it is learned, the prisoner simulated an illness, declaring to the medical staff of the Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison, where he is incarcerated, that he had ingested bleach; a situation that required transportation to the hospital for examinations and that, probably, the young man was able to communicate in some way to relatives and friends, perhaps through some illegally introduced mobile phone in the prison, as evidenced by the continuous seizures of such devices during internal checks.
So an ambulance from 118, escorted by the Penitentiary Police, took him to the “Moscati” hospital in Aversa. Upon arrival at the Emergency Room, the medical vehicle was surrounded by a group of ten to fifteen people waiting for the prisoner. Not knowing the possible consequences that could arise, the head of the escort, after consulting the command, ordered an immediate return to prison.
“The incident – comments the regional secretary of Osapp, Vincenzo Palmieri – is emblematic to understand the risks arising from easy and visible hospitalizations, as well as the danger of illicit use of cell phones in the penitentiary context. We have repeatedly pointed out the lack of cooperation between the administration and healthcare, the latter being a failure in the penitentiary system. Praise to the commander of the operational unit, Dr. Francesco Serpico, and to all the operating escort staff.” – continues below –
The murder of Giuseppe Turco – A contested girl at the base of the murder that occurred on the evening of June 29th in Casal di Principe, in the province of Caserta, where Giuseppe Turco, from Villa Literno, just 18 years old, was stabbed to death by another boy, a 20-year-old, arrested by the carabinieri of the local company, coordinated by the Prosecutor’s Office of Naples North. The 20-year-old, Anass Saaoud, a confessed murderer – of Moroccan origin, a plumber, resident in Casal di Principe – has stated that there was a fight, in which several people were involved, and that, to defend himself, he pulled out the knife with which he hit Turco. The arrival of the girl outside a bar in Piazza Villa, where both the attacker and the victim were present, seems to have sparked the fight. It seems that in the past the girl had been romantically involved with the victim and then started a relationship with the 20-year-old.
Immediately after the murder, he fled but was immediately tracked down thanks to the testimonies of the victim’s friends, who reported that the two had previously clashed on social media for the same reason. The crime scene is monitored by some surveillance systems, but the images have not provided significant contributions to the investigators. Turco, who would have turned 18 next October, was stabbed several times, at least eight. The twenty-year-old who was arrested, who must answer to the charge of voluntary manslaughter, a few years ago was caught by the carabinieri in possession of a firearm in front of a store and was reported for carrying a firearm illegally in a public place. Turco, on the other hand, had no criminal record.
In the photo, from left: Turco and Saaoud.

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