Pozzuoli (Naples) – Vent families evacuated by the Municipality of Pozzuoli due to the danger of collapse of some buildings in the historic center, on Garibaldi Street. The danger was identified by the Fire Brigade on July 29th and confirmed by the municipal order. The cracks in the walls are evident, as well as the subsidence of the structure. – continues below –
Yesterday evening, the newly established Historic Center Committee of Pozzuoli met to discuss the evacuation, which promises a battle right from the start with legal actions and the involvement of higher-level entities if there are no immediate and effective responses from the municipal administration.
“It seems like an activity that any administration concerned about safety would undertake to protect the residents. Unfortunately, this is not the case,” explain the committee members in a statement. “This ‘presumed collapse’ has been evident to the administration since the last months of 2022, but with previous evacuations dating back to 2019. After requests from the owners and subsequent repairs to the public sewer and water network by the municipality in the section of Garibaldi Street, which is now affected by the evacuation order, it seems that nothing has changed.”
The committee has therefore strongly urged the administration to “intervene with an excavation and diagnostic campaign in the coming hours in order to prevent collapses and irreparable damage. It is clear that the only entity authorized to intervene to remedy the damage is the Municipality of Pozzuoli, since the collapses are adjacent to the road, which is also closed to traffic.”

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Articolo successivoTragedia stradale a Castellammare di Stabia: morto motociclista in incidente


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