Violence against public transport employees: proposals to increase security

In the last three weeks, six episodes of violence against employees of local public transport have occurred in the province of Salerno. This worrying escalation was discussed this morning at the Prefecture during a committee for public order and security. The trade unions, in addition to requesting the activation of on-board cameras, have presented several proposals. “Among the proposals – explains the secretary of Fit Cisl, Diego Corace – the need to provide the verifiers with an identifying vest as administrative police officers, complete with a badge and card, so that they can be considered public officials and thus assign the aggressors with article 336 of the penal code (violence or threat to a public official) with the aggravating factor of article 340 (interruption of public service or service of public necessity). Companies have been asked to provide legal assistance to employees and to act as injured parties for compensation for the damage suffered”. The Campania Region has intervened on the issue of video surveillance, stating that shortly, once the privacy issue has been resolved, it will activate such devices on all buses provided by the Region.

The recent episodes of violence against public transport employees in the province of Salerno have raised concerns among authorities. This morning, a committee for public order and security met at the Prefecture to discuss the issue. The trade unions have proposed several measures to increase security on public transport. One of the proposals is to equip verifiers with identifying vests, making them administrative police officers with badges and cards. This would allow them to be considered public officials, thus ensuring that aggressors can be charged under article 336 of the penal code, which deals with violence or threats against public officials. Additionally, the aggravating factor of article 340, which deals with the interruption of public services, would also apply. The trade unions have also requested that companies provide legal assistance to employees and act as injured parties for compensation. The Campania Region has also addressed the issue of video surveillance, stating that it will soon activate cameras on all buses provided by the Region, once privacy concerns have been addressed. These measures aim to ensure the safety of public transport employees and deter potential aggressors.

Articolo precedenteSalerno, un episodio spiacevole nel ristorante cinese
Articolo successivoCaserta: cronaca, politica e attualità nella Top 10 del 9 agosto


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