Europa Verde: “Requested intervention from social services. Immediate redevelopment works to restore the Villa to families”.

A completely naked homeless person washing himself near a fountain in the Villa Comunale of Naples in broad daylight. The photos were sent to the deputy of Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, by some outraged residents who are demanding more controls and security from the Municipality.

“We have requested the intervention of social services through a dialogue with the councilor Luca Trapanese – declared deputy Borrelli and Benedetta Sciannimanica, councilor for Social Policies of Europa Verde in the I Municipality – to ensure the necessary assistance to the homeless person and prevent similar incidents from happening again. This episode occurs in a context of great concern for the deep state of degradation of the Villa Comunale which, as denounced by the citizens, has become an increasingly dirty and uninhabitable place. We hope that the redevelopment and safety works of the areas dedicated to the children’s playgrounds, which we have requested several times, will finally start by next autumn in order to give the Neapolitans and tourists a Villa that is finally up to the standards of the most beautiful waterfront in the world.”

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