Violence against healthcare workers: the need for concrete actions to address unacceptable incidents

Vallo della Lucania. Once again, violence against doctors and nurses. The spotlight is on the “San Luca” hospital in Vallo della Lucania, where an emergency room nurse was allegedly attacked by a patient on August 23rd.

The Nursind union has intervened on the case, emphasizing the need for safety in hospitals.

The statement reads: “The aggression against an emergency room nurse in Vallo della Lucania has sparked a dispute that deviates from the important issue of aggression against healthcare workers while carrying out their duties. The Nursind Salerno secretariat believes it is essential to focus on the case itself, as, according to the law, aggression against healthcare professionals is subject to automatic prosecution, recognizing the aggravating factor of professional activity.”

“The recent aggression has once again demonstrated the deplorable habit of attacking healthcare workers on duty, ignoring the institutions that should prevent such incidents,” said Biagio Tomasco, the general secretary of Nursind. The situation has previously been addressed at the prefecture level, but the promises made by healthcare authorities have not been kept, according to Nursind.

“We call for the activation of a crisis table, involving law enforcement, healthcare authorities, and social representatives. The objective is to develop concrete actions to contain these unacceptable incidents. The failure of the Campania Region to adopt guidelines on overcrowding in emergency rooms, repeatedly reported by Nursind at the regional level, adds an additional level of complexity to the problem.”

Finally, Tomasco expressed his unconditional support for the emergency room staff in Vallo della Lucania. “Despite the constant shortage of personnel, they continue to provide professional and dedicated assistance to a tourist population of almost 1 million residents in the Cilento area,” he concluded.

“The aggression against a nurse draws attention to the urgent need to protect healthcare workers while carrying out their duties and to take decisive measures to ensure their safety. As Nursind, we will continue to fight for a concrete and impactful solution to this problem, emphasizing the importance of a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to address the issue.”

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