Solidarity of President Giovanni D’Angelo: “A very serious incident, clarity must be sought”

Pellezzano. “What happened in Pellezzano is a distressing and concerning signal for the entire category,” said Giovanni D’Angelo, President of the Order of Physicians of Salerno, following the intimidation suffered by the general practitioner in Pellezzano. During the night, in front of his office, “no vax” and Nazi writings appeared, made with a spray can. “It is criminal to visit only with a swab,” one of the accusations, accompanied by a circled “w” in red, the signature of the “no vax” movement. The same acronym was also placed next to the epithet “Nazi doctor” and the phrase “you deserve a Nuremberg.”

“The Order of Physicians of Salerno was shocked by this very serious incident,” continues President Giovanni D’Angelo. “Thanks to colleague Titti D’Ambrosio, we were able to reconstruct the incident and we have ascertained that the victim of the intimidation did not make any specific requests. This makes the incident even more serious, it worries us, and we hope that clarity can be achieved as soon as possible. I expressed my personal solidarity and that of the entire Order of Physicians to the colleague who has always worked professionally and had never had any problems before this episode.”

The Carabinieri are working on the case, having acquired the images from the cameras to try to reconstruct what happened and identify those responsible for the raid.

Articolo precedenteTruffa a Roncade: arrestati i giovani truffatori di Napoli
Articolo successivoCapriglia di Pellezzano: solidarietà al medico insultato, il sindaco condanna l’episodio


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