Blitz in Valle Caudina, interrogatories on the second day
Benevento. The second day of interrogations for the 23 people – 12 in prison, 9 under house arrest, and 2 under domicile obligation – reached by the custody order signed by the judge of the Court of Naples, Anna Imparato, in the investigation of the Dda and the Carabinieri in Valle Caudina. The hypotheses of crime, in various capacities, are: attempted extortion, association aimed at the illicit trafficking of drugs, with the aggravating factor of the mafia method and the purpose of facilitating the Pagnozzi clan, and possession and trafficking of drugs.

Three suspects chose to remain silent: Raffaele Corda (lawyer Grazia Luongo), 51 years old, originally from Montesarchio but domiciled in Pomezia, Palmerino Venoso (lawyer Massimiliano Cornacchione), 48 years old, from Roccabascerana, both under house arrest.

Two others, also under house arrest, responded, rejecting all charges. Carmine Capozza (lawyer Gerardo Giorgione), 53 years old, from San Giorgio del Sannio, denied having sold drugs, admitting to knowing some of the suspects, at whose homes, as the owner of a company, he had carried out some work, and expressing surprise at the accusatory statements made by one of them against him. While Aniello De Paola (lawyer Valeria Verrusio), 33 years old, from San Martino Valle Caudina, stated that he had gone to Rome with his cousins ​​to buy cars and had no knowledge of drugs.

They did not answer the questions, only making some spontaneous statements: Eugenio De Paola, 33 years old, Mario De Paola, 33 years old, from San Martino Valle Caudina (son of Orazio De Paola), and Mario De Paola, 33 years old, from San Martino, in prison, defended by lawyer Valeria Verrusio. Eugenio, son of Orazio De Paola, stated that he had only had work relationships with some of the suspects, while Mario, nephew of the same Orazio, only mentioned the occasional collaboration he had with his uncle, without being aware of the clan.

Articolo precedenteBenevento: Inchiesta su truffa e falso di un uomo di 74 anni di Telese
Articolo successivoSan Felice a Cancello: una donna aggredita e minacciata di essere incendiata dal compagno


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