Borrelli: “Ensure the safety of workers with a fixed presence of penitentiary police”

Attacks on Rems healthcare workers in Calvi Risorta by a violent patient, kicks, punches, and stones thrown at cars. Borrelli: “Ensure the safety of workers with a fixed presence of penitentiary police”

Calvi Risorta. A nightmare night at the Rems (Residence for the Execution of Security Measures) in Calvi Risorta, as reported by Nessuno Tocchi Ippocrate. A patient became violent and attacked the healthcare workers at the center, kicking and punching them, resulting in one of them receiving a prognosis of 5 days.

The man had returned to the center in a state of drunkenness and visibly agitated, so the on-call doctor decided to alert the police to proceed with a Tso (compulsory treatment order).

When the police arrived, the patient calmed down and accepted the therapy, but then became violent again when the officers moved away. From that moment on, the nightmare began with the assault and the throwing of stones at the employees’ cars and the furnishings of the Rems.

“It is absurd that in facilities that play such a delicate role, there is no fixed presence of law enforcement, particularly penitentiary police, as the Rems is still a detention center.

For some time now, the medical and healthcare staff of the facility has been requesting greater protection given the difficult situations they have to face. These workers feel alone, abandoned, and it is the duty of all institutions to guarantee greater safety and protection. We cannot wait for a tragedy to occur before taking action. Activate a fixed police presence immediately.” With these words, the deputy of Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra Francesco Emilio Borrelli.

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