Teverola (Caserta) – “We started off well”. A comment between irony and bitterness from Luigi Auletta, owner of the bridal and ceremony clothing store “Impero Couture”, after the theft suffered during the night between December 25th and 26th in the Teverola store, on Via Roma. – continue below –
Unknown individuals broke the glass door of the store and, once inside, took away a couple of dresses. As it now happens to many shopkeepers in the area, the amount of damage is higher than the value of the stolen goods. “We are in a very bad situation, a country in chaos, without security and without the desire to work,” says the entrepreneur on the day of reopening after the Christmas break.
But Impero was not the only business to be targeted: during the same night, a few meters away, a similar theft, probably carried out by the same gang, occurred in an optical shop with a damaged door and a few pairs of glasses stolen.
And in Teverola, in the industrial area, there was an attempted theft in the “Happy Casa” mega store, located in the “Medì” commercial park, but the alarm scared away the thieves. The carabinieri and the police are investigating the episodes.

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Articolo successivoBlitz dei finanzieri: sequestrati 290 chili di hashish nel centro di Napoli


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