Solidarity for Don Alfonso Santoriello. Yesterday morning, on the day when the torchlight procession was supposed to take place, but was then withdrawn at the request of the parish priest himself, his supporters hung a banner in front of the cathedral of San Prisco in Nocera Inferiore: “Don Alfonso Santoriello – Humble servant in the vineyard of the Lord”. This was a way of not letting our guard down regarding the actions of the bishop of Nocera Inferiore, Giuseppe Giudice, who has not yet provided answers to the families requesting the assignment of a parish to Don Alfonso Santoriello, the former parish priest of the church of San Giuseppe in the Vescovado district of Nocera Inferiore. In 2017, he was removed from his parish following an investigation by the DDA into alleged contacts between the priest and criminal figures. The priest was later acquitted but has not been reinstated yet.

Articolo precedenteTragedia a San Valentino Torio: giovane condannato per la morte dell’amico
Articolo successivoAllarme truffe a Nocera Superiore: proteggiamo la nostra Chiesa Santa Maria Maggiore


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