Violence and insults erupted inside a subway car on Line 1 of the Naples metro. The main actors were groups of teenagers who continued the fight even at the Piscinola-Scampia station. During the scuffle, a 17-year-old allegedly pulled out a blank-firing gun without a red cap. Another minor, just 15 years old, was reportedly stabbed twice, in the right arm and back, under circumstances that are still unclear. Yesterday evening, the carabinieri of the mobile unit in Naples intervened at the scene and initiated an investigation. The 17-year-old was apprehended by a private security guard and later reported by the military. The injured minor was taken to Cto Hospital where his wounds were stitched up. A ten-day prognosis was given.

Articolo precedenteScafati: arrestato con 80 grammi di droga, la lotta contro il crimine continua
Articolo successivoAmalfi: Intensificati i controlli edilizi per preservare la bellezza della città


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