Violence in Matierno, a hilly fraction of Salerno, where four carabinieri and as many policemen were punched and slapped for carrying out checks on people near the bar where a shooting had just taken place, injuring the owner of the establishment.
In the end, the 45-year-old A.I. and his 23-year-old son C.I., with no criminal record, were arrested for resisting and assaulting a public official and were transferred to the Fuorni prison. Today, the validation hearing is scheduled to take place in court in the presence of their lawyer.
The episode was strongly condemned – as reported by the newspaper “La Città” today – by the Questore Giancarlo Conticchio: “It is an unpleasant page for Salerno: uniforms are not to be touched. Eight police officers and carabinieri were beaten and received medical reports with prognoses of up to seven days.
The perpetrators have been arrested, but the seriousness of the incident remains, which should draw attention to these phenomena.”

Articolo precedenteSalerno: la movida e i suoi segreti, emergenza furti e agguati, rapimenti e tratta di stranieri
Articolo successivoMobilitazione a Salerno: ripristinare la linea ferroviaria storica è un dovere


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