Aniello “Nello” Perreca, 35 years old, from Recale, a town near Caserta, was arrested by police officers from the Questura di Caserta, accused of attempted extortion. He is the son of Antimo, the boss of the Perreca clan, who is currently in prison under the 41 bis regime. For years, his father led the clan that operated in Recale and its surroundings on behalf of the Belforte family from Marcianise.

Perreca Jr. allegedly threatened and demanded money from the owner of a bar in Caserta. The alleged extortionist, now in custody, is defended by lawyer Renato Jappelli. In the coming hours, he will face the judge for the guarantee hearing.

This is not Perreca Jr.’s first run-in with the law. In 2008, at just 20 years old, he was arrested, along with two accomplices, for a series of robberies committed at three gas stations.

The arrest of the son of a boss is not uncommon in the world of organized crime, where criminal activity often runs in families. However, it is a sign that law enforcement is continuing its efforts to crack down on criminal organizations and their affiliates, regardless of their familial ties. In this way, they hope to weaken the power and influence of these groups and make the community safer for everyone.


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