Avellino – Abusive occupations, nightlife, and prevention of predatory crimes were the topics discussed today in the meeting of the Committee for Public Order and Safety, chaired by Prefect Paola Spena; present were the heads of the Police Forces, the Mayor of the capital, and the representative of the Province.
The Prefect focused on the monitoring activity, already started in the Prefecture, to verify, in agreement with the Municipal Administration, the situations of abusive occupation of properties owned by the Local Authority.
In previous meetings, it was established to proceed according to the priority of interventions indicated by the Municipality, taking into account any situations of fragility, such as the presence of minors, disabled people, and elderly people in precarious conditions.
The Municipality has committed, through social services, to identify suitable temporary accommodations for these families, in order to establish the timing and methods of assistance from the public forces for the liberation of the properties.
During the meeting, it was reiterated the need for the Municipality to complete the procedures aimed at carrying out the eviction and ensuring the immediate occupation by the rightful owners of the liberated properties, as well as the adoption of all necessary passive defense measures to prevent the recurrence of episodes of occupation without title.
It is always the responsibility of the Social Services to implement interventions for the protection of individuals in situations of fragility. In this regard, the availability to provide immediate assistance from the public forces was confirmed.
The eviction operations will begin next autumn, and as requested by the steering committee, they will aim to guarantee the widest protection of the minors of the families involved, implementing, where necessary, protective measures.
The Prefect also drew the attention of the Municipal Administration to define the monitoring action initiated on all situations of abuse, also in reference to the housing owned by ACER, for which the list has already been transmitted to the municipal entity.
Since the end of May, the surveillance and control activities on nightlife have continued, particularly in the city of Avellino, also with fixed presences of the police forces and with the support of the Municipal Police, engaged in checks on compliance with the end times of musical events and the decibel limit, in compliance with municipal regulations and ordinances. In this context, the Police Forces carried out checks on 22 commercial establishments, with a specific focus on verifying compliance with the ban on selling alcoholic beverages to minors and the adoption of specific sanctions, also imposed for the sale of alcoholic beverages beyond the permitted hours.
The inter-agency services deployed allowed the identification of 1868 people, 95 of whom have a criminal record; 1000 vehicles were also checked, and 93 traffic violations were detected, with 3 driving license suspensions.
In the face of the phenomenon of predatory crimes, which the Committee pays the utmost attention to, it was possible to record a decrease of almost 30% in home burglaries in July and August (a total of 115 burglaries were reported throughout the province, including the capital, compared to 155 in the same period in 2022); this is thanks to the intensification of control and surveillance actions on a wide scale, including at highway toll booths, ordered by the Committee and carried out with great professionalism and commitment by the Police Forces, focusing on the most sensitive areas and the times considered to be at greatest risk. In this context, the investigative and intelligence activities continue in parallel, aimed at identifying the individuals responsible for these crimes, often coming from neighboring provinces.


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