CASAL DI PRINCIPE. “Justice for Modugno Ciro”. These are the words that mom Nunzia Covelli chose as the title of the poster announcing the memorial organized by her on the occasion of the two years since the disappearance of her son Ciro Modugno. A title, a cry that on Wednesday, October 11th, at 6:30 pm, will sound loud and clear at the Teatro della Legalità in Casal di Principe.

Ciro was only 15 years old when on October 10th, 2021, at 11 pm, in Casal di Principe, on Corso Umberto I, he lost his life riding his scooter; a tragic event that left an unbridgeable void in Nunzia’s heart, but also a lot of anger. In fact, the young Ciro was hit by a car that was speeding recklessly. Behind the wheel was a 28-year-old under the influence of alcohol and drugs, for whom the Public Prosecutor initially requested 12 years of imprisonment. The sentence of April 8th, 2022, sentenced the driver to seven years and four months of imprisonment, of which two have been spent under house arrest. At the moment, we are awaiting the verdict of the Court of Cassation next November.

At the memorial for the “golden angel” – as mom Nunzia likes to call him – the following will be present: the associations that support the Modugno family “Associazione Unitaria Familiari e Vittime (A.U.F.V (ODV)” chaired by Alberto Pallotti and represented for the occasion by the agro aversano representative Biagio Ciaramella, “Associazione Mamme Coraggio e Vittime della Strada (A.M.C.V.S.) chaired by Elena Ronzullo; the associations “Della Legalità” and “De Luca Raffaele”; the mayor of Casal di Principe, Renato Natale; councilor Antonio Schiavone; Mons. Angelo Spinillo of the diocese of Aversa; representatives of the Municipality of San Cipriano and the law enforcement and armed forces of the Carabinieri of Casal di Principe.

During the event, the book “Strada Assassina – Sette storie Vere” (Assassin Road – Seven True Stories), published by “Nero su Bianco Editore” and promoted by the associations “A.M.C.V.S. – Associazione Mamme Coraggio e Vittime Della Strada ODV” and “A.U.F.V. Associazione Unitaria Familiari e Vittime ODV”. Among the pages of the text, which collects seven stories of road victims, through the voices of their mothers torn apart by pain, is also the story of Ciro.

“It has been two years since I could hug my son, because of a person under the influence of alcohol and drugs, who decided the fate of my child, a boy of only fifteen years old – declares mom Nunzia. – It was not an accident, but a real road murder. We mothers have come together and, through the book, we have given voice to our children, whose voice has been taken away. It is not right for the perpetrators of these tragedies to go unpunished. Their punishment should be equal to that which follows a murder, because, I repeat, it is murder. In court, we do not have the listening we deserve; it is indescribable what happens to a family when they receive that terrible phone call. Suddenly, your child is no longer there and the world collapses on top of you, in fact, the world no longer exists. On Wednesday – Covelli concludes – we will all be at the Teatro della Legalità to shout, to shout our pain and the right we have: to seek justice for Ciro, to seek justice for every road victim. I will not give up until this happens. Me and all the mothers sentenced to a life sentence of pain will fight, and we will do so until the end”.


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