Angela Marello, 82 years old, from Marcianise, did not make it. She was hit by a bicycle on September 23rd. After a month in the hospital, the woman died due to her injuries. She was a former teacher and a well-known and appreciated figure in the city.

The accident happened on De Felice street: according to the reconstruction by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, she was hit by a bicycle. She was found by some passers-by, lying on the pavement with a head wound and apparently unconscious. She was taken to the Caserta civil hospital, where she was diagnosed with a severe head trauma and admitted to the neurosurgery department in a reserved prognosis, in a state of drowsiness, not in a coma. In the last month, doctors tried to save her life, but there was nothing they could do.

Two days after the accident, the man riding the bike was identified. That evening, due to poor visibility and high speed, he was unable to avoid the collision with the woman. According to the investigators, scared by what had happened and not realizing the seriousness of the situation, he left the scene of the accident.

This tragic event reminds us of the importance of road safety, even for cyclists. It is essential to respect the rules and regulations, especially in areas with high pedestrian traffic. The consequences of a moment of distraction or an excessive speed can be devastating and irreparable.

Angela Marello’s death is a loss for the community of Marcianise. She was a beloved and respected figure, and her absence will be deeply felt. May she rest in peace, and may her memory serve as a reminder to all of us to prioritize safety on the roads.


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